
Research Project
Delusional Cause #8


Delusional Cause is an ongoing long term artistic research project within the theoretical framework of Alfred Sohn-Rethel's critique of epistemology. The texts, videos and performances are interruptions in a cumulative and reiterative study which aims to work toward a method or model to adequately visualize capital. The project is expanding towards a speculative exploration of the real abstraction and its aesthetics in today's digital age. Delusional Cause is an attempt to create a stylistic structure whose internal tensions are a metaphor for the internal tensions and structural tendencies of a social 'body' moving by a revolutionary path toward its own 'form'. Delusional Cause #8 is a performance script.

Performance script

[elips shape: linear gradient almost pink, almost orange]



{feedback 0841.aif}



<rub fingers >



[How to make a fire with IKEA Trensum Mirror (Concave Mirror).mp4]


"when the palm of my two hands hold each other
that feels different
from when your hands are in mine
thats just the way it is"


"and when my voice is screaming out
to my own ears
that feels different from when i hear yours
thats just the way it is"



( )

"so why do we still need things open
now that the end of manual labour was declared"

[] []

"now that we have reached this perfect stage of complete automation
what is your problem with power"


"we thought the world would revolve without us

this is everything"

<mic on tape >

[Buzz3D - 3D Planogram Builder and Editor.mp4]

{Decibel Variation on Electroacoustic Feedback for Multiband EQ_ Flute and Cello.wav}


"there in the marketplace and in shop windows
things stand still
they stand there waiting to be sold
they are there for one activity only
to change owners
and while they are there for exchange, they are not there for use
they find themselves in the vacuum of infinite time and space
and the spell does not only freeze the action of men to abstain from any ravages in the body of these commodities
no, even nature itself holds her breath for the sake of this social business of men."



[Dollar Bill Cut _ Restore (REVEAL).mp4]

"water water 1 2 3

water water 1 2

water 1




<John Travolta gif >

[Kelly McGarry Finals Run GoPro Footage - Red Bull Rampage 2014.mp4]


<mic on stand >


[Heider and Simmel (1944) animation.mp4]

"imagine you were blind
to context
you don't have the ability to compare situations
anything can happen

it doesn't matter where you are
every face is a blank sheet
and body language might as well be..."

<meh >



< >

<mic down >



"a coin is to serve as a means of exchange
and not as an object of use.
its weight and metallic purity are guaranteed by the issuing authority.
so that if by the wear and tear in circulation it has lost in weight.
full replacement is provided.
a coin is supposed to consist of a substance over which time has no power
and which stands in antithetic contrast to any matter found in nature."


[World of Guns Gun Disassembly • HK MP5 (Disassembly-Assembly).mp4]

< >

<whistle >


[beating and aiming with ak-47 - HD green screen footage.mp4]
[beating and aiming with ak-47 - HD green screen footage.mp4]
[beating and aiming with ak-47 - HD green screen footage.mp4]
[beating and aiming with ak-47 - HD green screen footage.mp4]


[beating with a shotgun from above - HD green screen footage.mp4]

[Earth animated green screen free royalty footage,CuteStockFootage]


<hand gun (late) >






